CyberNews | Edition 3 - 2024

March 28, 2024

Read the full content of the CyberNews here.


In this edition of Cybernews, we highlight the main news that permeated the digital and data protection landscape in March 2024.


In February, we pointed out the challenges faced by companies and concerns about possible privacy violations when trying to reconcile the disclosure of salary information with the Brazilian Data Protection Law (LGPD) requirements. Now, the Brazilian Ministry of Labor and Employment has stated that it will not violate LGPD in its Equal Pay Report, emphasizing the care to only disclose percentage data without exposing individual job positions and salary information.


In another front, the City Hall of São Paulo has taken over the presidency of the Municipal Data Protection Forum during a meeting that convened representatives from 50 Brazilian cities, reinforcing the commitment to implementing LGPD regulations at the local level.


Meanwhile, the Public Prosecutor’s Office has initiated an investigation into the use of the Brazilian national identification number to provide discounts at drugstores, underscoring the importance of transparency and protection consumers’ personal data.

Publication produced by our Cybersecurity & Data Privacy

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