Investment Funds and Asset Management

TozziniFreire features a team of lawyers exclusively dedicated to Asset Management & Fund Formation markets. Our work comprises assisting local and foreign clients, from  small to large-sized companies, throughout the process of structuring an investment vehicle. The process usually begins with advisory work concerning aspects relevant to offers of securities in the universe of investment funds in Brazil. Additionally, depending on the business model of the client, we undertake the respective initial legal mapping, which will define our recommendation for the proper structure model from the tax and regulatory perspectives, based on the client's profile. Therefore, our team is highly skilled in structuring and setting up investment funds in Brazil, as well as in the constitution and accreditation of  Asset Managers and other regulated entities.

Thus, our legal assistance to investment funds also includes day-to-day operations related to all regulatory issues that may arise  throughout the lifecycle of the funds. This way, we have a consolidated relationship with  all sorts of Asset Managers, Trustees, Custodians, Distributors (DTVM), Financial Institutions, Autonomous Agents (AAIs), Multi- and Single-Family Offices, Pension Funds (EFPCs), Investment Banks, Multiple Banks, and Fintechs.

Due to our full-service structure, we also stand out in the areas of Compliance and Governance of funds, institutional clients and funds pension, being internationally recognized for such performance.


Our expertise is in the formation of the following vehicles:

  • Brazilian Feeder Funds that invest in ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) and in investment funds investment abroad;
  • Equity Investment Funds (FIPs), focused on Venture Capital, and Private Equity;
  • Corporate Venture Capital Funds (CVC);
  • Receivables Investment Funds (FIDCs);
  • Investment Funds in Agro-Industrial Productive Chain (FIAGRO), focusing on FIDC, FII, and FIP;
  • Real Estate Investment Funds (FII);
  • Hedge Funds/555 (multimarket,  equity, fixed income, including feeder funds focused on offshore funds listed above, Private Credit, Infrastructure Funds);
  • Endowments;
  • Sustainable and impactful ESG investment funds;
  • Investment funds for Venture Debt purposes;
  • Due diligence of investment funds investment processes;
  • Incorporation, merger, processing and settlement of investment funds;
  • Preparation of draft opinions on regulatory and tax issues involving investment funds.
  • Compliance advisory services regarding Asset Management and Investment Funds in general;
  • Coordination of the establishment and filling processes of new Asset Managers before CVM and ANBIMA;
  • Compliance Training related to Investment Funds and Asset Management.


With regard to Investment Funds, we work on the defense of interests of the main institutions participating in the Financial and Capital Markets, in administrative and legal procedures before Courts, the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM and the Brazilian Financial and Capital Market Entities Association (ANBIMA). In this sense, we represent  Fiduciary Administrators and  Asset Managers and monitor their administrative and legal proceedings.


Our partners in charge of the Investment Funds and Asset Management practice are recognized by internationally renowned legal guides, such as Chambers & Partners, Latin Lawyer 250, IFLR1000, and Leaders League.