CyberNews | Edition 1 - 2024

January 24, 2024

Read the full content of the CyberNews here.


In this 1st edition of our Cybernews Newsletter in 2024, we bring you the main news from the end of 2023, which reveal a dynamic and decisive scenario for that year as regards personal data protection in Brazil.


In a context where this has become a central topic, recent developments in Brazil indicate a growing number of initiatives undertaken by government institutions.


As you will be able to see below, the Federal Prosecution Office (MPF) held a crucial debate on the protection of personal information at a national meeting, highlighting the relevance of the issue. São Paulo Regional Electoral Court (TRE-SP), on its part, held an event that focused on the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) and warned about the potential risks of artificial intelligence in political activities. The State Courts of Justice have also been taking actions, with the highlight being a court decision rendered by the State Court of Sergipe ordering an app to update the personal data in a user’s register, in strict compliance with the LGPD. Meanwhile, the Brazilian Data Protection Authority (ANPD) has been outlining its strategic priorities until 2025, making efforts to ensure a safer and more transparent digital environment.

Publication produced by our Cybersecurity & Data Privacy

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