Bruna has over 10 years´ experience in the Tech Litigation practice area, having assisted some of the most relevant companies in the sector, focusing on contentious issues related to technology and data privacy, including judicial and administrative proceedings arising from the enactment of the Civil Internet Framework for the Internet and the General Data Protection Law. Her practice comprises all the strategic litigation, from civil investigations and public civil actions to leading cases on higher courts. Concerning Digital Electoral Law, she is in charge of litigation and regulatory matters, with an active role in the Public Consultation carried out by the Superior Electoral Court on the Resolutions that rule the electoral process, as well as on the First Electoral Journey, a relevant Brazilian event aimed to rethink, amend, and spread the best electoral practices.
// Academic education
Master"s degree in Civil Procedural Law from PUC-SP (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo), 2020.
Specialized in Civil Procedural Law from PUC-SP, 2012.
Graduated of the Law School of PUC-SP, 2010.
// Recognition
Bruna was shortlisted for the Euromoney Women in Business Law Awards 2022 - Americas and highlighted as Leading Individual in the first edition of the Global Data Review - GDR 100 guide. In 2021, she was mentioned by Leaders League as one of the leaders in Technology and Data Protection practices. Bruna is also recommended by The Legal 500 and Latin Lawyer 250. She is LACCA Approved for Data, Technology and Privacy Law.
// Additional Activities
Member of ABRADEP (Brazilian Academy of Electoral and Political Law). Professor in the LGPD and Litigation program at Finted Tech School, 2020 and 2021. Professor in the LGPD and Elections program in partnership with the Data Privacy Brazil Association, 2020. Coordinator of the Digital Law Committee of CESA (Association of Brazilian Law Firms). Member of AASP (Association of Lawyers of São Paulo).
// Publications
"Brazil: Privacy" chapter (co-author). In Insight Handbook. London: Global Data Review, 2022. "A proteção constitucional da privacidade de consumidores: uma análise da ADI 6387" chapter (co-author). In Relações de Consumo no Brasil: Decisões e Temas Contemporâneos. IBRAC (coord.). São Paulo: Singular, 2021. 5 Anos de Vigência do CPC/2016: Balanço do Contencioso Empresarial e-book (co-author and coordinator). São Paulo: TozziniFreire Advogados, 2021. "Uso de robôs nas eleições: panoramas legislativo, judicial e prático" article (co-author). In Revista de Direito e as Novas Tecnologias. São Paulo: Thomson Reuters, 2021. "A LGPD nas sociedades de advogados" article (co-author). In 2020 Yearbook of CESA (Association of Brazilian Law Firms): The great transformations of law firms. Ribeirão Preto: Migalhas, 2021. "Uso de Tecnologia para Pessoas com Deficiência: Regulação e Políticas Públicas" article. In Direito Exponencial: O Papel das Novas Tecnologias no Jurídico do Futuro. São Paulo: Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 2020. "A Internet Deu Voz às Pessoas. Mas como o Direito Regula a Liberdade de Expressão Online? Uma Análise da Regulação Brasileira" article (co-author). In Direito Exponencial: O Papel das Novas Tecnologias no Jurídico do Futuro. São Paulo: Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 2020. "A Responsabilidade das Redes Sociais" article (co-author). In Panorama Legal sobre as Relações de Consumo na Era Digital. São Paulo: Singular, 2018. "Responsabilidade Civil das Mídias Sociais" article (co-author). In Contraponto Jurídico: Posicionamentos Divergentes sobre Grandes Temas do Direito. São Paulo: Thomson Reuters Brasil, 2018.