Intellectual Property Newsletter | Edition 21 - 2024

May 29, 2024

Partners Marcela Ejnisman, Carla do Couto, Luiza Sato and Stephanie Consonni, together with lawyers Igor Baden Powell, Isabella Pereira, Julia Parizotto, Julie Kagawa, Maria Eugênia Lacerda, Miguel Carneiro, Tatiane Martins and Valentina Garcia developed 21st Intellectual Property Newsletter.


TozziniFreire's Intellectual Property team shares about the Brazilian context, legal cases and news in the IP abroad.


  • Partido Novo files ADPF at the Supreme Court to ensure legal certainty to the franchise market

  • Court rules that trademarks “Seu Ticket” and “Meu Ticket” can peacefully coexist

  • Open AI strikes a deal with Financial Times to train ChatGPT and develop new AI systems

  • Microsoft ordered to pay billionaire fine for patent infringement

Publication produced by our Intellectual Property

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