Imports of photovoltaic cells in Brazil will be subject to higher tariffs as of 2024

January 04, 2024

At its last meeting in 2023, CAMEX (Foreign Trade Chamber of Commerce) decided to increase, from zero to 9.6%, the tariff for importing photovoltaic cells assembled into modules or panels, classified in NCM 8541.43.00, in accordance with GECEX Resolution No. 541, of December 20th, 2023.


An import quota was maintained at a zero rate, and values (FOB) were established per period, until June 2024, and subsequently between July and June of each year, until June 2027.


SECEX Ordinance No. 292, of December 29th, 2023, established the criteria for allocating the quota for the first period (until June 2024), whose total value is around US$1.1 billion (FOB).


Thirty percent of the global quota will be distributed according to the proportion of imports carried out by interested companies, in relation to Brazilian imports of this product, verified in the period from December 2022 to November 2023, and it will include companies whose imported volume represented an amount equal to or greater than 2% of total Brazilian imports. Seventy percent of the global quota will be distributed according to the order of registration of Import License requests in Siscomex (Integrated Foreign Trade System), to support imports from companies not covered in the previous item, as well as companies that are covered but have exceeded the portion originally allocated to them. It may also constitute a technical reserve to deal with unforeseen situations.


Each company will initially be granted a maximum value of US$17.5 million (FOB), and each importer may obtain more than one license, as long as the sum of the quantities informed in the import licenses is less than or equal to the fixed limit.

Publication produced by our International Trade