Luciana Bazan Martins Bisetti

Areas of expertise: Arbitration, Litigation, Consumer Affairs, Automotive, Telecommunications
Languages: English
Location: São Paulo
Telephone: +55 (11) 5086-5252

TozziniFreire’s partner in the Litigation practice, Luciana is skilled in strategic cases of different natures, with expertise in matters relating to highly complex consumer relations, civil liability, and class actions. As an expert in the Consumer Affairs area, she handles consumer authorities at all levels, both in administrative procedures and in negotiation of agreements. In legal disputes, Luciana has extensive experience in collective claims, working on hundreds of public civil actions across the country, and in strategic individual claims. Her practice encompasses the most diverse economy sectors, particularly focusing on clients in the telecommunications, technology, retail, payment solutions, automotive, and public service providers industries.

// Academic education

Specialized degree in Consumer Law from the Law School of Coimbra, Portugal. Took the Academy of American and International Law program, held by the Center for American and International Law, USA. Post-graduate degree in Civil Procedure from FGV Law, 2014. Graduate of the Law School of PUC-SP (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo), 2011.

// Recognition

Luciana is recognized by The Legal 500, a relevant legal guide.

// Additional Activities

Member of IBA (International Bar Association).

// Publications

Coordinator of TozziniFreire´s Monthly Consumer Affairs Newsletter, which addresses the hot topics in the consumer market.

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