TozziniFreire’s partner in the Litigation, Arbitration, and Mediation practices, Elias is responsible for conducting strategic litigation issues, acting in arbitrations, mediations, and complex litigation matters. Currently, he is the coordinator of the Agribusiness practice group at the firm. He has over 20 years of experience in the private sector, with direct involvement in strategic litigation, arbitration, and dispute resolution. He also worked as a legal director/general counsel in a large national business group in the energy, fuel, lubricants, infrastructure, agribusiness, and gas industries, having led, for over 11 years, teams in Civil Litigation and Arbitration, Tax Litigation, Labor Litigation, Environmental Litigation, Regulatory Litigation, and Criminal Litigation. Elias is also a university professor of Civil Procedural Law and author of books and articles in the area.
// Academic education
Visiting researcher in Civil Procedural Law at the Max-Planck Institute, in Hamburg (Germany), 2023 and 2024.
Postdoctoral degrees in Civil Procedural Law from the University of Salamanca/Spain, 2022, from the University of Coimbra/Portugal, 2019, and from the University of Lisbon/Portugal, 2015.
Ph.D., in 2014, and master´s degree, in 2009, in Civil Procedural Law from PUC-SP (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo).
MBA in Business Management, in 2012, and a specialized degree in Business Law, in 2006, from FGV-SP (Fundação Getulio Vargas de São Paulo).
Specialized degree in Agribusiness Law from the Fundação Escola Superior do Ministério Público, 2024.
Extension course from American University"s International Commercial Mediation and Arbitration Program - Washington College of Law, Washington, USA, in 2018.
Extension program in Business and Compliance from the University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA, 2017.
Extension programs in Mediation, in 2015, and in Negotiation, in 2013, from Harvard Law School, Boston, USA.
Specialized degree in Contract Law, in 2005, and in Civil Procedural Law, in 2004, from the University Extension Center.
Graduate of the Law School of USP (Universidade de São Paulo), 2001.
// Recognition
Elias was recognized by his peers, six consecutive times, as one of the most admired legal executives in Brazil, being acknowledged in 2018 and 2020 as the most admired legal executive in the country by Análise Executivos Jurídicos e Financeiros magazine. In 2017, he was recognized as one of the best litigation managers in Latin America by LACCA. In May 2021, he won the academic medal from ESA-OABSP (Superior Law School of Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo section). Since 2021, he has been listed as one of the most admired lawyers in Brazil by Análise Advocacia 500, and as a recommended lawyer for Litigation by Legal 500, Latin Lawyer 250, Leaders League, and Best Lawyers.
// Additional Activities
- Chair of the Civil Procedural Law Commission of OAB-SP (Brazilian Bar Association - São Paulo section), having served as vice-president from 2019 to 2024.
- Chair of the Business Process Studies Committee and effective member of IASP (São Paulo Lawyers Institute). He was also Chair of the Energy Law Studies Committee of IASP (2013-2024).
- Chair of the Special Committee on Civil Procedure Law of the OAB-SP.
- Advisor and founding member of CEAPRO (Center for Advanced Process Studies), having been the director from 2013 to 2023.
- Counselor of the Legal Departments Unit of CRA-SP (Regional Council of Administration of São Paulo).
- Member of IBDP (Brazilian Institute of Procedural Law).
- Member of AASP (São Paulo Lawyers Association).
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Articule Institute.
- Member of CBAr (Brazilian Arbitration Committee).
- Honorary Member of ABEP (Brazilian Association of Research Companies).
- Professor of Civil Procedural Law in doctoral, master, and postgraduate programs at several higher education institutions.
- Coordinator of the Civil Procedural Law Center at Higher Law School of OAB-SP (Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo section), 2019-2021.
- General Secretary of the Civil Procedural Law Commission of the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association, 2019-2021.
- Chair of the Commission on the Defense of Legal Security of the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association, 2015-2016.
- Member of CORT (Superior Council for Labor Relations) of FIESP (Industries Federation of São Paulo State), 2017.
- Coordinator of the Corporate Law Commission of IBRADEMP (Brazilian Institute of Business Law), 2019-2021.
// Publications
- Honorários e Prerrogativas: Pilares da Advocacia (co-author). São Paulo: Editora Tirant lo Blanch Brasil, 2024.
- Processo de Execução e Cumprimento de Sentença (co-author). São Paulo: Thomson Reuters Revista dos Tribunais, 2024.
- Sistema Brasileiro de Precedentes: Propostas e Reflexões para seu Aprimoramento (co-author). Londrina: Thoth, 2024.
- Direito Federal Interpretado: Estudos em Homenagem ao Ministro Humberto Martins (co-author). Rio de Janeiro: Editora GZ, 2024.
- Os 35 Anos do Superior Tribunal de Justiça. Vol. IV. (co-author). Londrina: Thoth, 2024.
- Desjudicialização: atualidades e novas tendências (co-author). 1ed. Londrina: Thoth, 2024.
- Ação Rescisória: Homenagem ao Professor Rodrigo O. Barioni. Vol. II. (co-author) 1ed. Londrina: Thoth, 2024.
- Processo nos Tribunais Superiores. Vol. I (co-author). 1ed. Londrina: Thoth, 2024.
- Reflexões sobre Questões Jurídicas do Agronegócio (co-organizer and co-author). Londrina: Thoth, 2023.
- Processo Civil: Questões Controvertidas (co-author). São Paulo: Editora Plácido, 2023.
- Arbitragem e Seguro (co-author). São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 2023.
- CPC na Prática (co-author). São Paulo: Migalhas, 2023.
- Súmulas, Teses e Precedentes: Estudos em homenagem a Roberto Rosas (co-author). Rio de Janeiro: GZ, 2023.
- Repercussões do CPC: Processo Civil Empresarial (co-author). Salvador: Jus Podium, 2022.
- Novas Reflexões sobre o Código de Processo Civil de 2015 (co-author and co-organizer). Ribeirão Preto: Migalhas, 2022.
- Ensaios sobre Análise Econômica do Processo Civil (co-author). Londrina: Thoth, 2022.
- Penhora de Percentual do Faturamento. São Paulo: Saraiva Educação, 2021.
- Gestão de Conflitos do Agronegócio (co-author). São Paulo: Ed. Thoth, 2021.
- O CPC de 2015 visto pelo STJ (co-author). São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2021.
- O PEPEX e a Busca Antecipada de Bens do Devedor. São Paulo: ESA-OAB/SP, 2021.
- Processo Civil Empresarial e o STJ (co-author). Salvador: JusPodivm, 2021.
- Estudos em Homenagem ao Desembargador Carlos Alberto Alves da Rocha (co-author). Publication organized by the Association of Magistrates of Mato Grosso. São Paulo: Dialética, 2021.
- Processo Civil Empresarial e o Superior Tribunal de Justiça (co-author). Salvador: Jus Podivm, 2021.
- 5 Anos de Vigência do CPC/2015: balanço do contencioso empresarial (co-org. and co-author). São Paulo: TozziniFreire Advogados, 2021.
- Reflexões sobre os 5 anos de vigência do CPC/15 (co-org. and co-author). São Paulo: Ed. ESA OAB SP, 2021.
- Reflexões sobre a Desjudicialização da Execução Civil (co-org. and author). 1. ed. Curitiba: Juruá, 2020.
- Curso de Direito Processual Civil, Volumes 1, 2 e 3 (co-author). 1. ed. São Paulo: Verbatim, 2015, 2016 and 2018.
- Aspectos do Direito Ferroviário: Uma Visão Através do Contencioso (co-org. and author). 1. ed. São Paulo: Verbatim, 2018.
- CPC na Prática (co-org. and author). 1. ed. São Paulo: Migalhas, 2018.
- Reflexões sobre o Código de Processo Civil de 2015. Uma contribuição dos membros do Centro de Estudos Avançados de Processo - CEAPRO (co-org. and author). 1. ed. São Paulo: Verbatim, 2018.
- Tutela Provisória no CPC (co-org. and author). 1. ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2018.
- Direito dos Negócios Aplicado, Volumes 1, 2 e 3 (co-org. and author). São Paulo: Almedina, 2015 and 2016.
- Procedimento Extrajudicial Pré-executivo (author). 1. ed. São Paulo: Verbatim, 2015.
- O Novo Código de Processo Civil: Breves Anotações para a Advocacia (co-org. and author). Brasília: Ed. CFOAB, 2015.
- A Prova no Direito Processual Civil: Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. João Batista Lopes (co-org. and author). São Paulo: Verbatim, 2013.
- Aspectos Polêmicos do Agronegócio: Uma Visão Através do Contencioso (co-org. and author). São Paulo: Ed. Castro Lopes, 2013.
- Proibição da Prova Ilícita no Processo Civil Brasileiro. São Paulo: Fiúza, 2010.
- Several books, articles, and chapters published in specialized magazines and books, in the Civil Procedural Law area.