Sunset review of antidumping duties on the domestic imports of carbon steel pipes used in oil and gas pipelines, originating from China

August 29, 2024

The publication of SECEX Circular No. 46 initiated the sunset review of anti-dumping duties set by Ordinance SECINT nº 543 of 28 August 2019, published in the Federal Register on 30 August 2019, levied on domestic imports of seamless carbon steel pipes for line pipe used in oil and gas pipelines, with an external diameter greater than 5 (five) nominal inches (141.3 mm) but not exceeding 14 (fourteen) nominal inches (355.6 mm), commonly classified under subitem 7304.19.00 of the Mercosur Common Nomenclature (NCM), originating from China.


The request for sunset review for the purpose of renewing the anti-dumping duty was submitted by Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes - V&M do Brasil S.A. (which also had requested the imposition of the original duty).


The analysis of the likelihood of continuation or resumption of dumping considered the period from January to December 2023. The analysis of the likelihood of continuation or resumption of injury considered the period from January 2019 to December 2023.


The preceding analysis demonstrated the existence of evidence on the likelihood of resumption of dumping practices in the exports of seamless carbon steel pipes from China to Brazil, as well as a probable return of harm to the domestic industry caused by exports from this origin in the event of elimination of the existing duty. For this reason, Decom (Trade Defense Department) has recommended the initiation of this review to check the need to extend the deadline for enforcing the anti-dumping duty on such imports.



Interested parties will be able to cooperate with the investigation and/or review mentioned above by providing data to fill in the Exporter, Importer or other National Producer Questionnaires within 30 days (extendable for another 30 days) from the date that they become aware of the investigation, in order to defend their interests and possibly benefit from any individual anti-dumping margin, which is generally lower than the margin calculated based on the information available. Other potential interested parties who did not receive questionnaires may request their participation in the process by September 18, 2024 (20-day deadline).


Considering that it was necessary to select a substitute third country, interested parties may express their opinions regarding the choice or suggest an alternative country, in accordance with Par. 3 of article 15 of Decree No. 8,058 of 2013, within the non-extendable period of 70 days from the start date of the sunset review (until November 7, 2024).

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