Rafael Mallmann

Areas of expertise: Tax
Languages: English
Location: Porto Alegre
Telephone: +55 (51) 3025-2233
Email: rmallmann@tozzinifreire.com.br

Rafael has experience in tax law since 2000. As a consultant in tax-related issues, he attends various corporate tax house committees, seeking the most efficient solutions for a wide variety of clients. He specializes in tax litigaton, protecting the interests of clients in significant administrative and judicial cases.

// Academic education

Specialized degree in Tax Law from PUCRS (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul), 2014.
Specialized degree in Tax Law from IBET (Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributários), 2004.
Graduate of the Law School of UFRGS (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul), 2000.

// Recognition

He is recommended by Chambers BrazilLatin Lawyer 250, The Legal 500 and Análise Advocacia 500, relevant legal guides.

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