Maurício de Carvalho Góes

Areas of expertise: Labor & Social Security
Languages: Spanish
Location: Porto Alegre
Telephone: +55 (51) 3025-2293

Head of the Labor practice group at TozziniFreire’s Porto Alegre office, Maurício is recognized for his experience in litigation and preventive counseling.

// Academic education

Doctor of Laws degree from UNISINOS (Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos), 2014.
Master"s degree in Fundamental Law from ULBRA (Universidade Luterana do Brasil), 2009.
Specialized degree in Labor Law from UNISINOS, 1999.
Graduate of the Law School of ULBRA, 1998.
Specialized degree in Labor Magistracy from FEMARGS (Fundação Escola da Magistratura do Trabalho do Rio Grande do Sul), 1999.

// Recognition

Maurício is recommended by The Legal 500 and Análise Advocacia 500, relevant legal guides. Since 2003, he has been chosen as an honored teacher by the Law Schools of ULBRA and UNISINOS, institutions at which he has lectured in the last years, as well as PUCRS, university at which he is a professor since 2011.

// Additional Activities

Director at SATERGS (Associação de Advogados Trabalhistas de Empresas no Rio Grande do Sul). Professor of Labor Law, Collective Labor Law and Procedural Labor Law in the graduate and postgraduate programs at the Law School of PUC-RS (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul). Member of the Examining Evaluation Board of the graduation, specialization, master and Ph.D. courses at PUC-RS. Professor of Labor Law and Procedural Labor Law at UFRGS (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul). Holder of the Chair No. 33 of the Rio Grande do Sul Labor Law Academy. Member of the Editorial Board of the TRT Judicial School Magazine of the 4th Region.

// Publications

  • O Acordo Extrajudicial Trabalhista como Forma de Solução de Conflitos (co-author). São Paulo: Lumen Juris, 2023.
  • O Dano Moral à Luz da Reforma Trabalhista (co-author). Curitiba: Appris, 2019.
  • Direito das Nanotecnologias e Meio Ambiente do Trabalho. Porto Alegre: Editora Livraria do Advogado, 2014.
  • A Equiparação Salarial como Instrumento Garantidor da Isonomia nos Contratos de Emprego. São Paulo: Editora Verbo Jurídico, 2009.
  • Manual de Prática Trabalhista (co-author). São Paulo: Editora Verbo Jurídico. 
  • Direito do Trabalho e Processo do Trabalho (co-author). Porto Alegre: Editora Sapiens.
  • Compêndio Preparatório para o Exame da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (co-author). São Paulo: Editora Verbo Jurídico.