Bárbara Bassani de Souza

Areas of expertise: Insurance and Reinsurance
Languages: Italian
Location: São Paulo
Telephone: +55 (11) 5086-5503
Email: bbassani@tozzinifreire.com.br

Co-head of TozziniFreire´s Insurance and Reinsurance practice, Bárbara has over 15 years of experience assisting insurance and reinsurance companies, (re)insurance brokers, and other clients with regulatory matters involving SUSEP (Superintendence of Private Insurance), strategic agreements, loss adjustment, strategic litigation, administrative litigation involving SUSEP and consultancy matters. She frequently conducts workshops for insurance and reinsurance companies and teaches at higher-education institutions. In addition, Bárbara has authored several articles and books on the subject, including the books "As Polêmicas que Permeiam o Seguro de Responsabilidade Civil e a Busca por uma Solução" and "Seguros: Beneficiários e suas Implicações" of her exclusive authorship. 

// Academic education

Doctoral degree in Civil Law from USP (Universidade de São Paulo), 2018. Master"s degree in Law from USP, 2015. Specialized degree in Civil Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 2011. Graduate of the Law School of Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 2009.

// Recognition

Bárbara is recommended by Chambers Brazil, Latin Lawyer 250, The Legal 500, Análise Advocacia 500, and Who’s Who Legal, relevant legal guides. She is recognized as a Rising Star by LMG Expert Guides. Bárbara is also recognized as LACCA Thought Leader: Insurance & Reinsurance, and she is LACCA Approved.

// Additional Activities

  • Member of ANSP (Brazilian Academy of Insurance and Pension Funds) since 2023.
  • Member of AIDA Brazil (International Insurance Law Association) since 2012, serving as Director Vice-President of International Relations (biennium 2022-2024).
  • Member of the Insurance Law Commission of the OAB-SP (Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section) until 2018.  
  • Assistant professor in the in-company Insurance MBA program organized by FGV (Fundação Getulio Vargas) held at Mapfre Seguros, 2014. 
  • Professor of Insurance Regulatory Environment in the Insurance Regulatory specialization program at Universidade Positivo, in Curitiba, 2018. 
  • Professor of Insurance Regulatory Law in the Legal Management MBA program at ENS (Brazilian School of Insurance), in Insurance Regulatory Law and, currently, in Personal Insurance.

// Publications

  • As Polêmicas que Permeiam o Seguro de Responsabilidade Civil e a Busca por uma Solução. São Paulo: Editora Roncarati, 2019.
  • "LGPD e (Re) Seguros" article (co-author). In Revista Opinião.Seg. São Paulo: Editora Roncarati, 2019.
  • "Digital Business in Brazil: Overview" (co-author). In Practical Law. London: Thomson Reuters, 2018.
  • "Da Tutela Provisória de Urgência e da Evidência" chapter (co-author). In Aspectos Jurídicos dos Contratos de Seguro V. Porto Alegre: Editora Livraria do Advogado, 2017.
  • Seguros: Beneficiários e suas Implicações. São Paulo: Editora Roncarati, 2016.
  • "As Recentes Modificações no Processo Administrativo - SUSEP" article. On Editora Roncarati"s website, 2016.
  • "Da Regulação da Avaria Grossa no Novo CPC" chapter. In Novo Código de Processo Civil. São Paulo: Rideel, 2015.
  • "Responsabilidade Civil do Segurador" article. In Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo, 2015.
  • "O Incidente de Resolução de Demandas Repetitivas no Substitutivo da Câmara dos Deputados ao Projeto de Lei de Novo Código de Processo Civil e suas Implicações no Mercado de Seguros" chapter. In Aspectos Jurídicos dos Contratos de Seguro III. Porto Alegre: Editora Livraria do Advogado, 2015.
  • "A Prescrição e o Seguro: Reflexões e alguns Aspectos Controvertidos" article. In Aspectos Relevantes do Direito Securitário. Revista Científica Virtual (OAB/ESA-SP), year VI, no. 21, 2015.
  • "A Responsabilidade Civil Objetiva sob a Ótica do Seguro Obrigatório DPVAT" chapter. In Responsabilidade Civil. São Paulo: Rideel, 2011.

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